Post Danmark has acquired 51 percentof the shares in Transportgruppenby direct placement. The purchase of Transportgruppenshares will give Post Danmark accessto a finely meshed and efficient nation-wide network for the distributionof goods. According to Post Danmark deputyexecutive Carsten Dalbo, a co-operativeventure with Transportgruppen'scarriers will enable Post Danmark tooffer its customers a total conceptcovering courier shipments, parcelsand mixed cargo of all sizes. 'In … [Read more...] about Post Danmark expands product range
Air & Cargo Services
Empost now covers 225 destinations globally
Reinforcing its position as one of thetop courier companies in the MiddleEast, Empost, the UAE's national couriercompany, now covers 225 destinationsaround the world including Australia,the American continents, Europe, FarEast, Indian Sub Continent, Africa andall the Middle East. What gives Emposta competitive edge is the fact that itdelivers its services to these destinationswithin 72 hours. Sultan Al Midfa, CEO, Empost said: 'We have upgraded our coverage and infrastructure to cover more … [Read more...] about Empost now covers 225 destinations globally
Is the world is changing in favour of the Posts?
Many observers ten years ago wouldhave said the posts had no real futuregiven the growth of e-mail. In fact,the development of the internet, andin particular e-commerce, is changingthe shape of the postal world in lessobvious ways. E-commerce is driving ashift in doorstep delivery from lettersto packets and parcels. McKinsey estimates that by 2050 halfof retail sales will be via the internet.Who is going to deliver the goods?Posts, at least in the developed world,have the best capability to … [Read more...] about Is the world is changing in favour of the Posts?
Qantas' chairwoman MargaretJackson, who has just managedits take-over by a group of domesticand overseas investors, has revealedin the Financial Times that she was interrogatedby officials at Los Angelesairport last year, because they founddetailed aeronautical diagrams in herhand baggage. She explained that she was chairmanof a major world airline, which met withthe response 'But you're a woman!' Jackson also related to the FT that asa board member for a mining companyshe was once … [Read more...] about WOMAN
And now forthe latest postal news! Former 'Baywatch'babe andanimal - right sactivist, PamelaAnderson haswritten an angryletter to theUS PostmasterGeneral JohnPotter, blastingKFC's requestto put the beardedimage of thefounder of thefast-food chainon a stamp, MSNreported. 'Honouringa man whoselegacy involvesbreaking animals' bones and scaldinganimals to death in de-featheringtanks is contrary to the values of mostcompassionate citizens, and I hope thatyou'll deny KFC's request,' Anderson … [Read more...] about POSTAL CHICKEN
The train was quite crowded,so a U. S. Marine walked the entirelength looking for a seat, but the onlyseat left was taken by a well dressed,middle-aged French woman's poodle. The war weary Marine asked,'Ma'am, may I have that seat?' The French woman just sniffed and said to no one in particular 'Americans are so rude. My little Fifi is using that seat.' The Marine walked the entire trainagain, but the only seat left was underthat dog. 'Please, ma'am. May I sitdown? I'm very … [Read more...] about FIFI