Air India has appointed DariusChibber as head of the airline's cargodivision. Based in New Delhi, Chibber,who brings many years of experience inthe airline industry to his new position,will oversee the carrier's global cargoactivities. In one of his previous positions,he was regional cargo managerfor Air India in Singapore. … [Read more...] about Air India
Air & Cargo Services
DP to move accounting operations
Deutsche Post AG (DP) plans toreorganise its finance and salary bookkeepingoperations and may includeoutsourcing some operations to theCzech Republic and Poland, the Weltam Sonntag reported, citing DeutschePost management. The outsourcing will only affect postworkers outside Germany, the newspapersaid. ‘We will make a decision inthe next 12 to 18 months, where ouraccounting services in Europe are to belocated,' Frank Appel, Deutsche Postmanager for Global Business Servicestold the … [Read more...] about DP to move accounting operations
Carbon-free parcel first for Parcelforce
UK-based Parcelforce Worldwide isoffering its customers a first in the UKexpress parcels market - the option todeliver their parcel carbon-free. Customers booking online can nowchoose to donate 5p per parcel for UKand 10p per parcel for internationaldeliveries. Having calculated the averageamount of carbon emitted for eachparcel, Parcelforce Worldwide willmatch all donations and, through theirassociation with The Woodland Trust,invest it in an approved programmeto offset greenhouse gases … [Read more...] about Carbon-free parcel first for Parcelforce
PUG launches manifesto for Europe
The Postal Users' Group (PUG) hasrepublished its manifesto on the futureof the EU mailing services market. TheManifesto sets out PUG's vision for thefuture of the European mailing market– a vision based on principles of partnership,growth and innovation. PUG, an alliance of the major postalusers representing 15 trade associationsand businesses, emphasize that thepostal services cover a very wide rangeof businesses and systems. The lettermail business of Europe's postal … [Read more...] about PUG launches manifesto for Europe
France’s La Poste reports profit for 2006
French national postal operator LaPoste said it will record a 700 millioneuros net profit in 2006, up by about25 percent on the figure of 557 millioneuros for 2005. La Poste noted that its balancesheet would be hit by an exceptionalreform-linked contribution of 2 billioneuros to the national pension financingsystem at the end of this year. Internalinvestment this year on new hubs inLorraine and Val de Loire and themodernisation of the postal network(1,100 offices) reached 1.2 billion euros,up … [Read more...] about France’s La Poste reports profit for 2006
USPS gets Lockheed Martin system
Lockheed Martin has completedthe deployment of 74 AutomatedPackage Processing Systems (APPS) tothe U.S. Postal Service (USPS) undera more than US$300 million contractawarded in 2002. APPS provides thePostal Service with a fully integrated,end-to-end system capable of automaticallysorting high volumes of First-Classpackaged mail, Priority Mail envelopesand parcels, and bundled mail, such asmagazines or catalogues, with greaterefficiency and higher accuracy. The system is capable of … [Read more...] about USPS gets Lockheed Martin system