Menzies Aviation has acquiredGearey's Aircraft Services, a providerof cargo handling services at CalgaryInternational Airport. The private-held family business beganoperations in warehouse handlingalmost ten years ago. Their major customers are Westjet,America West and Continental, togetherwith Air North Yukon AirlinesFCS truck dock facilitates quick transfer of aircraft pallets and ULDs.and Central Mountain Air. This acquisition is in line with Menzies'plans for strategic expansion, … [Read more...] about Menzies buys Gearey’s Aircraft Services
Air & Cargo Services
FCS opens new truck dock
Fraport Cargo Services (FCS) hasopened a truck dock at its FrankfurtAirport facilities to facilitate the quicktransfer of aircraft pallets and containersfrom trucks to airside transportunits. In a statement, FCS said that thenumber of ready-built units is continuouslyincreasing, so it prepared forthis market trend by building the newtruck dock. The units are now handledadjacent to the current warehouse ata separate building, which has directaccess to the apron, where units canbe accepted … [Read more...] about FCS opens new truck dock
100% screening feasible, says handler
100 percent screening of air cargois perfectly feasible and would be amore sensible system than the currentKnown Shipper system, according toOlivier Bijaoui, president and CEO ofWorldwide Flight Services (WFS), theworld's largest cargo handler. Speaking in response to the 10January vote in the US Congress thatmandated screening for all belly cargowithin three years, Bijaoui insists that itwould present WFS, which has handlingoperations at many US airports, withno particular problem. 'We … [Read more...] about 100% screening feasible, says handler
SLFFA to build logistics academy
Identifying a critical need of thelogistics and the trading community,the Sri Lanka Freight ForwardersAssociation (SLFFA) has come forwardto set the first academy to build capacityin international trade and transportationin Sri Lanka, a press release said. This is the first time a transport servicesector association has stepped into aventure that will offer new opportunitiesto the school leavers and industryemployees to get practical experienceand knowledge through working withthe industry and … [Read more...] about SLFFA to build logistics academy
INFA strives to have more IATA accredited members
The low number of IATA accreditedcargo agents in Indonesia has promptedthe Indonesian Freight Forwarders' Association(INFA) and the InternationalAir Transport Association (IATA) toincrease their collaboration and takethe necessary measures to improve theair cargo industry in the country. INFA chairman, Soekarno HattaArman Yahya said that every effortfor the betterment of the industry iscounted. Though there are several parties involvedin the industry, the airlines andcargo agents have the … [Read more...] about INFA strives to have more IATA accredited members
SLFFA disturbed by new DMS standards
The freight forwarding industry andshippers in Sri Lanka have expressedserious concerns about the attemptsby the Director of Merchant Shipping,(DMS) to regulate the industry usinglow standards and hastily drafted legislation. Freight forwarders in Sri Lanka,whose representative body, the SriLanka Freight Forwarders Association(SLFFA) completed 25 years ofexistence this year, have played aninfluential role in making Sri Lankaa leading logistics and freight hub inSouth Asia. Unlike shipping … [Read more...] about SLFFA disturbed by new DMS standards