Yusen Air & Sea Service said it has opened a new branch in Brisbane. It is Yusen's third base in Australia after Sydney and Melbourne. … [Read more...] about Yusen Air & Sea Service
Air Freight Logistics
INDIA: IA's 'Indian Cargo' from July
Indian Airlines (IA) is planning tostart a dedicated freighter service fromJuly, the chairman and managing director,Dr V. Trivedi, said "We are likely tocall the new operations Indian cargo.The launch of the new service will notaffect the ongoing merger process.When the merger process gets underway,Indian cargo can be merged withthe new entity," Dr. Trivedi said. The airline has already announcedthat it would be launching the freighterservice by converting five Boeing 737-200 aircraft into … [Read more...] about INDIA: IA's 'Indian Cargo' from July
AFRICA: SAA & Air Mauritius team up
South African Airways (SAA) and Air Mauritius have reached a code-share agreement on the routes between Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town and Mauritius. This new agreement is in addition to SAA's present daily flights between Johannesburg and Mauritius. SAA operates between Johannesburg and Mauritius seven days a week, while Air Mauritius operates five times to and from Johannesburg, twice a week to and from Cape Town and Durban respectively. A key focus for SAA is to expand its route … [Read more...] about AFRICA: SAA & Air Mauritius team up
HONG KONG: HK's challenges need responses: consultant
Hong Kong is a successful air cargohub with advantages over competinghubs that may take some time to erode,but nevertheless, the territory faces seriouschallenges, which require extensiveand challenging policy responses fromGovernment, an executive says. Speaking at a recent AerospaceForum, David Dodwell, chief executiveof Strategic Access Ltd – a privateconsultant on government-related aviationmatters, said as many responsesrequired close collaboration betweenofficials in Hong Kong, … [Read more...] about HONG KONG: HK's challenges need responses: consultant
Empost expands courier services
Empost has expanded its globalreach with the opening of a new serviceto North and South America. Withoperations in Asia, Africa, Europe andnow the Americas, Empost is positioningitself as a leading inter-continentalservice provider in the industry, thepostal organisation said in a statement. "As we expand by opening up businessin demanding markets, Empostwill make sure that we do not departfrom our core principle of providingonly the best service," said Sultan Al Midfa, CEO, … [Read more...] about Empost expands courier services
FedEx upgrades India presence
FedEx Corp last month upgradedIndia from a country within a regionto a full region in its own right, theEconomic Times reported. FedExpreviously had five regions, each withits own vice president. These regions were the US, Canada,EMEA (Europe, Middle East, andAfrica), Latin America- Caribbean(LAC) and Asia-Pacific (APAC). Indiacame under EMEA and had JacquesCreeten as its managing directorreporting to his vice president in Brussels, Belgium. Since December 2006, however,in recognition of … [Read more...] about FedEx upgrades India presence