Ocean Airlines of Italy has boughtfour B747-200Fs from Air France tobe delivered over the next year, withan option to buy two more. It plans touse them to start services to Nagoya,Kuala Lumpur and Seoul before theend of 2007. The carrier, which currently has two-200Fs, currently flies four times a weekto Hong Kong, three times a week toShanghai via Bishkek. CEO Rossano deLuca says it will be seeking partners forall its new Asian routes, though can giveno details as yet. "Our philosophy … [Read more...] about Ocean scoops Air France -200Fs; plans more Asian routes
airways cargo
CORPSES - We read in Access Asia'sWeekly Update that for exporters, shippingsecurely, on time and to the correctdestination, is vital to the supply chain,as any first year MBA-type knows. However, according to the latestUpdate, things can wrong, even if youput your trust in a major internationallogistics firm, such as DHL. Just ask Frank and Ludivine Larmandeof Cascade Township in Michiganwho bought a dining table on eBay.A package was delivered by DHL andthen, well, Mrs Larmande can … [Read more...] about CORPSES
M.O.T.Y. - And once again the questionhad to be answered, “Who is goingto be the Man of the Year 2006.” It was not an easy task to select thetop three from the thousands of entriesfrom all over the world. But a relentlessjury finally managed to award the topthree nominations. So, here is our selectionfor the Man of the Year 2006! … [Read more...] about M.O.T.Y.
HELLO? ANYBODY THERE? -When Airbus decided last month tosuspend work on the freighter versionof the A380 and instead focus on thepassenger version, it apparently forgotto tell the only customer for thefreighter. That was unfortunate, at least as faras UPS was concerned. The world's largest package deliverycompany, which operates the eighthlargest airline in the world, found outabout the shift in priorities from reporters'phone calls. “It certainly was not a very courteoushandling … [Read more...] about HELLO? ANYBODY THERE?
ENGLISH PATIENT - Still on theAustralian carrier, you may have heardthat one of the carrier's female flightattendants recently faced the sack afterbeing accused of having sex with Britishactor Ralph Fiennes - the star of TheEnglish Patient - in an aircraft toiletwhile flying from Australia to India. Of course, everyone knows the officialacronym for Qantas: “QueenslandAnd Northern Territory Aerial Service”or the less-official “Quite A Nice Takeoff,Any … [Read more...] about ENGLISH PATIENT
JOB CUTS - Qantas' strained relationshipswith Australia's labour unionssank to another low last month whenQantas CEO Geoff Dixon in a statementwarned that further restructuringand lowering of the Australian flag carrier'scost base would be necessary. The reason?? Middle East carrier Qatar Airwaysreceived government approval fordaily service between Doha and Melbourne. In a statement, Dixon said the airline“will have no option but to achievefurther cost savings if it is to … [Read more...] about JOB CUTS