UPS has announced the appointmentof David Abney to the post of chiefoperating officer and the promotion ofAlan Gershenhorn to replace Abney aspresident of UPS International.
Abney also assumes the role of presidentof UPS Airlines in replacing JohnBeystehner, who retired last monthafter 36 years of service.
Gershenhorn is currently based inBrussels, where he previously headedthe operations of UPS Supply ChainSolutions in Europe, Asia, the MiddleEast and Africa.
In his role as chief operating officer,Abney will be responsible forinternational operations, US packageoperations, global transportation, labourand all freight activities. Abney hasbeen president of UPS Internationalsince 2002.
Gershenhorn became the headof non-operating functions for UPSSupply Chain Solutions in 2004 andsubsequently assumed responsibility forall supply chain operations in Europe,Asia, the Middle East and Africa.With his promotion, Gershenhornjoins UPS’ management committee.