KIX RUN – We hear that the folks atKansai airport in Osaka Prefecture willhost some running events on its brandnewrunway in May before the runwaybecomes operational in August.
The company is inviting the publicto participate in the "2007 Shin ChikyuRun in KIX" on May 13.
The airport, which currently operatesits sole 3,500-meter runway, completedconstruction of the new 4,000-meterrunway at the end of December.
In a press release, KIX noted thatthis will be the first and the last opportunityto run on KIX’ runways, becausethe public will be barred from enteringthe runway when it opens to air trafficon August 2. No kidding!!
But hang on, there is more.
To make it even more exciting forall of us boys and girls, this will also bethe world’s first opportunity to have awheelchair race on a runway.
You’ve got to give it to them, KIX really knows how to pack in thecrowds!