Today’s bellyache has not been inspired by the extra pounds that are visibly floating around the bellyache corner… no, those extra desserts we had last week didn’t prompt this topic and no the increased number of stretchy pants making their debut has nothing to do with it either. (Cue Nacho Libre – “when you’re a man, sometimes you wear stretchy pants. In your room. It’s for fun!” Rather, we were inspired by infomercials (that’s the story and we’re sticking to it!)
As with all things in this evolving world we live in, exercise equipment has come a long way since the dark ages… Now, not all of us enjoy working up a sweat in the gym, but we’re pretty sure everyone enjoys a good laugh over some of the (sometimes extreme) lengths humans go through to achieve the “perfect shape.” Not forgetting the thought process behind some of the equipment – like Who, came up with these things and why?!
Let’s be honest, some of the machines look like they could be mid evil torture contraptions on the set of an 1850’s movie. And some just leave you speechless for a number of reasons. Our question, who buys these things and actually believes they’ll work?
Here are some of our favourite “most effective” fitness gadgets. Enjoy!