China is still lacking in logistics professionalsdespite the rapid expansionof its logistics industry and developmentof training for logistics professionals,Xinhua reported, citing a report by theChinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). It is difficult for both domestic andforeign-funded companies to find qualifiedlogistics professionals in China,Feng Gengzhong, CAS researchersaid, adding that China's firms shouldstrengthen on-the-job training or otherkinds of vocational training for … [Read more...] about CHINA: China lacking in logistics professionals: CAS
CHINA: Panalpina to expand Asian presence
Swiss logistics provider Panalpinaintends to further expand its Asiannetwork, especially in China because"this is where the future key markets are and where a growing number of our customers are building production sites or plan to establishing new offices," Panalpina's CEO, MonikaRibar said. As a globally acting logistics firm it isa must for her company to follow wheretheir clients move, she added.Another region Panalpina is focusingon is the CIS countries and Siberia.There, the … [Read more...] about CHINA: Panalpina to expand Asian presence
CHINA: Schneider gets Chinese green light
US-based Schneider National Inc.has announced it has been grantedauthority to operate as a domestic carrierand logistics services provider inthe People's Republic of China. Schneider Logistics (Tianjin) willoffer domestic transportation, logistics(warehousing, cross-docking andthird-party logistics) and other relatedservices. The company will build these services through a combinationof organic growth and acquisition inChina. "We see this as a great opportunityfor customers in China, … [Read more...] about CHINA: Schneider gets Chinese green light
CHINA: Etihad ships Chinese New Year gifts
Etihad Crystal Cargo recently transporteda five-year-old elephant, named"Migara" and a four-tonne stoneBuddha statue on board of one of itsA300-600 freighters from Colombo, inSri Lanka, to Beijing. The elephant and the statue weregifts from the Government of Sri Lankato the Government of China for theChinese New Year. The operation involvedEtihad's cargo charter team inAbu Dhabi and its General Sales andServices Agent in Sri Lanka, Speed AirCargo Net (Pvt) Ltd. Chapman Freeborn … [Read more...] about CHINA: Etihad ships Chinese New Year gifts
HONG KONG: Dragonair gets second 747-400 BCF
Dragonair has taken delivery ofthe second of five 747-400 BoeingConverted Freighters, bringing thenumber of all-cargo aircraft it operatesto eight. Dragonair's first converted freighterwas delivered in October, and enteredservice in November. The carrier is expecting to addthree more 747-400 BCFs to its fleet:two later this year and one in 2008. … [Read more...] about HONG KONG: Dragonair gets second 747-400 BCF
HONG KONG: Competition for HK terminal project
Sun Hung Kai Properties and CathayPacific Airways have show interestin contracts to build Hong Kong'sthird air cargo terminal, according tolocal reports quoting the Airport Authorityof Hong Kong Cathay Pacificconfirmed it applied and unnamed sources said that Sun Hung Kai wasalso in the running. Hong Kong AirCargo Terminals and Singapore-basedAsia Airfreight Terminal control about90 percent of air cargo movementsthrough the city's airport. Hong Kong Economic DevelopmentSecretary Stephen Ip … [Read more...] about HONG KONG: Competition for HK terminal project