Hong Kong and Macau based airfreightforwarders have been givenapproval to set up jointly-owned orprivately-run businesses on mainlandChina since the end of January, accordingto Logistics Week, citing the ChinaAir Transport Association (CATA). CATA, which is responsible forexamining applications, said over 20companies have so far applied to jointhe scheme. Under the guidelines setout by CATA, sales agencies representingHong Kong and Macau lines arerequired to have a registered capital ofat … [Read more...] about HONG KONG: Forwarders can now operate privately in China
HONG KONG: Customs reviews apparel shipments
The United States Association ofImporters of Textiles and Apparel(USA-ITA) last month issued a bulletinto its members stating that reports fromimporters indicate that the Bureauof Customs and Border Protection(Customs, CBP) is closely monitoringdocumentation for shipments of apparelfrom Hong Kong. USA-ITA noted that Customs' scrutinyof shipments from Hong Kong followsa series of joint textile factory visits,that were conducted by US and HongKong officials in December of 2006. "The … [Read more...] about HONG KONG: Customs reviews apparel shipments
HONG KONG: HK’s challenges need responses: consultant
Hong Kong is a successful air cargohub with advantages over competinghubs that may take some time to erode,but nevertheless, the territory faces seriouschallenges, which require extensiveand challenging policy responses fromGovernment, an executive says. Speaking at a recent AerospaceForum, David Dodwell, chief executiveof Strategic Access Ltd – a privateconsultant on government-related aviationmatters, said as many responsesrequired close collaboration betweenofficials in Hong Kong, … [Read more...] about HONG KONG: HK’s challenges need responses: consultant
SINGAPORE: Changi Airport, Tata ink joint venture
Singapore's Changi Airports andIndia's conglomerate Tata Group haveset up a joint venture to bid for contractsto run the fast-growing airportsin Kolkata and Chennai. Changi Airports International, astate-owned airport developer, said ina statement that Tata would hold 51percent of the company, while ChangiAirports would own the rest. It did notgive financial details. The Tata group's interests span automotives,commodities, energy, hotels,retail, financial services, broadcast,software and … [Read more...] about SINGAPORE: Changi Airport, Tata ink joint venture
SINGAPORE: Jett8 Airlines Cargo to launch service in Q2
Jett8 Airlines Cargo, Singapore'sfirst all cargo airline, is to launchoperations in the second quarter of2007 with a fleet of five Boeing 747-200 freighters. Aside from services to Hong Kong,Indonesia, Dubai and United Kingdomduring the first year of operation, theairline plans its future network expansionto the rapidly growing Chinese andIndian markets, with potential onwardservices to Europe and the US. Japanese shipping conglomerateNYK Line, which has inked a deal expressingits … [Read more...] about SINGAPORE: Jett8 Airlines Cargo to launch service in Q2
Jett8 Airlines Cargo, Singapore's first all cargo airline, is countingdown to the launch of operations in the second quarter of 2007. Jett8will introduce a fleet of five Boeing 747-200 Freighters on servicesto Hong Kong, Indonesia, Dubai and United Kingdom during thefirst year of operation. Future network expansion will concentrate ondestinations in the rapidly growing Chinese and Indian markets, withpotential onward services to Europe and the US. The airline ultimatelywants to introduce … [Read more...] about Gateways