"We don't want to replicate theDeutsche Post model in believing thatpurchasing and controlling all thenetwork assets will make us successful,"says Paul Vogel, managing director ofthe US Postal Service's Global Businessunit. "We instead believe that finding as many partners around the world as possible is a much better model for us." This the USPS has set out to workwith post offices in the Asian region,rather than pushing them to liberalisetheir markets. One example is … [Read more...] about Partnership is the key for US Postal Service
Austrian Post takes stake in trans-o-flex
The Austrian Post (ÖsterreichischePost) has acquired 74.9 percent ofthe shares in trans-o-flex GmbH andassociated companies from Odewald &Co and Alpha Beteiligungsberatung.Odewald & Co and Alpha haveretained a holding of 25.1 percent.The transaction means that AustrianPost is strengthening its parcelsand logistics division, increasing itsEuropean reach and intensifying itsexisting successful co-operation withtrans-o-flex. Austrian post already delivers about5,000 parcels per day in … [Read more...] about Austrian Post takes stake in trans-o-flex
ACMG publishes annual analysis
Air Cargo Management Group's newly-released International Air Freight andExpress Industry Performance Analysis2006 provides a detailed assessmentof the international air cargo/expressindustry and the companies that competein this evolving market. Publishedannually since 1994, this 200-pagestudy provides the only comprehensivequantitative and qualitative independentanalysis of the US$71 billion globalair cargo industry. ACMG's new reportshows that the industry grew at a midsingle-digit rate in … [Read more...] about ACMG publishes annual analysis
China seeks Q-Post’s assistance
China seeks Q-Post's assistance The Chinese postal authorities havesought the co-operation of the Q-Postin developing a customer-friendly planwith which they felt could win visitorsduring the Olympic Games 2008 to beheld in Beijing, and the Asian Games(in 2010), Gulf Times reported. Speaking to the newspaper, chairmanand chief executive of the QPostAli Mohamed al-Ali said that theassociation with the Chinese sportsauthorities would help the postalcorporation receive more customersin … [Read more...] about China seeks Q-Post’s assistance
Deutsche Post threatens price war in 2008
Deutsche Post AG chief executiveKlaus Zumwinkel is prepared tomake drastic price cuts in the Germanmail market should it lose significantmarket share to rivals when its virtualmonopoly on letter delivery expires in2008, the Financial Times Deutschlandreported. "If I lose too much market share, then I have some price cuts in reserve that will certainly throw our competitors into disarray," Zumwinkel said. Thechief executive did not provide furtherdetails on the possible price … [Read more...] about Deutsche Post threatens price war in 2008
USPS to install new mail-sorting technology
The US Postal Service is to install new mail sorting equipment that willimprove service whilst reducing costs.This technology successfully boostedpostal efficiencies in the processing,distribution, and delivery of letter mail.The new system will soon be applied tothe sorting of "flats"– large envelopes,magazines, catalogues, and circulars. Known as the Flats SequencingSystem (FSS), the equipment is designedto sequence flat mail at a rateof approximately 16,500 pieces perhour. … [Read more...] about USPS to install new mail-sorting technology