Kenyan Airways is looking at a twiceweekly B747F service from Nairobi toItaly, using a B747-200F freighter ofOcean Airlines, according to its headof cargo, Shawn McGuinness. The route might be supported withregional freighter flights into Nairobi,but no decision on this has yet beentaken. "We are shying away from it a bit," McGuinness admits. "We wouldbe competing against governmentowned airlines, which could be a bit of a problem." The carrier otherwise took deliveryof … [Read more...] about AFRICA: Kenyan considers joint freighter
Air Cargo Asia
EUROPE: Austrian hit by capacity cuts
One moment Austrian Airlines'cargo department was boasting of itsexcellent links between Asia and thegrowing market of Eastern Europe.The next moment, its parent carrierannounced that the Asian half of thatequation is to be severely curtailed. From this year, a whole swathe oflong-haul routes have been binnedat the carrier, which is retiring theremaining four A330 aircraft from itsfleet. At the same time the carrier willadd a fourth and final 777, and, alongwith six 767s, these aircraft will … [Read more...] about EUROPE: Austrian hit by capacity cuts
EUROPE: New body to counter IATA “discrimination”
The Global Federation of CargoAirlines (GFCA), an organisation alliedto FAGSA, the Federation of GeneralSales Agents, is taking aim at what itsays is IATA's "discrimination" againstall-cargo airlines. GFCA board member Carlo TaleiFranzesi, who is also president of FAGSA,charges that IATA ignores the needs offreighter operators and does not includecargo in many of its official statistics."Cargo airlines need a stronger voicethan they are getting in IATA," he says. The … [Read more...] about EUROPE: New body to counter IATA “discrimination”
EUROPE: Alitalia fails to attract real bids
The Italian government has failedto attract any preliminary bids forbankrupt Alitalia from potential majorairline partners. The only significant internationalbid came from US airline buyout specialistTexas Pacific private investmentfirm - which bought and turned aroundContinental Airlines in the US in 1993with strong attacks on unions. It is part of a group that last monthagreed to buy Australia's Qantas. Air France-KLM did not make apreliminary bid. It has previously saidthat Alitalia … [Read more...] about EUROPE: Alitalia fails to attract real bids
EUROPE: EC updates airline ‘blacklist’
For the first time, the EuropeanCommission (EC) has withdrawn twocarriers from the list of banned airlines,after the carriers took decisive actionto remedy their failings. African cargo carrier DAS Air Cargo,Dairo Air Services (Uganda / Kenya)and Thailand's Phuket Air have beenremoved from the list of banned airlines,after proving to the Commissionthat they have now rectified the serioussafety deficiencies that originally led totheir banning from Europe. According to Jacques Barrot, … [Read more...] about EUROPE: EC updates airline ‘blacklist’
EUROPE: Slots become free at EFW
EFW-EADS, the freighter conversionarm of Airbus, has unexpectedly founditself with seven free slots at its Dresdenplant due to the cancellation of someorders, sources in the company haveadmitted. The company previously hadall its conversion slots spoken for until2010 and beyond. Some of the cancellations are due toFedEx terminating its A310 conversionprogramme following its decision toplace a major order for 757 conversions.Future demand is likely to focuson the A300-600, though Air India … [Read more...] about EUROPE: Slots become free at EFW