IATA e-freight and Cargo 2000 saidthey have committed to work togetheron common industry process and standards,built on a unified campaign todrive quality and complete industry coveragefor electronic data interchange. IATA e-freight and Cargo 2000 aresignificant industry initiatives withinthe IATA Cargo agenda, aimed at simplifyingthe business of air cargo. IATAe-freight focuses on process simplicityand efficiency, and Cargo 2000 (aninterest group of IATA) focuses onprocess quality and … [Read more...] about CARGO 2000, IATA in e-freight pact
Air Cargo Asia
MAE to convert 87 757’s for FedEx.
ST Mobile Aerospace Engineering(MAE), the US subsidiary of Singapore-based ST Technologies Aerospace,has signed a massive Passenger-To-Freighter (PTF) conversion contractof 87 B757-200s with FedEx Express.Commencing in 2007, the contract isfor 87 aircraft. The contract follows last year's decisionby FedEx to acquire around 90of this type to replace its ageing Boeing727-200 fleet. ST Aero presidentTay Kok Khiang put the value of thecontract at $450-$470 million over theseven-year life of the … [Read more...] about MAE to convert 87 757’s for FedEx.
Airbus confirms orders for A330-200F
Airbus has been given the go-aheadfor the industrial launch of the A330-200 Freighter and confirmed that GuggenheimAviation Partners, FlyingtonFreighters and Intrepid Leasing havesigned orders for a total of 32 AirbusA330-200 Freighters. US-based Guggenheim AviationPartners acting on behalf of one ofits investment funds, is the launchcustomer for the A330-200F. The company has signed a contractfor six of the new 60 plus-tonne freighters,converting a Letter of Intent signedin October … [Read more...] about Airbus confirms orders for A330-200F
Pemco inks Bluebird Cargo contract
US-based freighter conversionspecialist, Pemco Aviation Group hasannounced that its subsidiary, PemcoWorld Air Services has signed a newcontract with Iceland-based BluebirdCargo to convert two B737-400s tofreighter configuration. The work willtake place at the STAECO facility inJinan, China following Pemco's 2005partnership agreement with Taikoo(Xiamen) Aircraft Engineering Company(TAECO) and Taikoo (Shandong)Aircraft Engineering Company(STAECO). … [Read more...] about Pemco inks Bluebird Cargo contract
Aramex invests in wireless system
Aramex has implemented a newUS$1.5 million wireless system thatenables its ground couriers to transmitcollection and delivery information inreal-time through new mobile handheldscanners. Aramex ground couriers in theGulf countries, in addition to Jordanand Lebanon, now use these devices.The new system enables immediatereporting, providing Aramex customerswith up-to-the-minute informationon the delivery and collection of theirshipments. Aramex plans a phased rollout of thenew ground courier … [Read more...] about Aramex invests in wireless system
Finnair switches to Aviapartner
Aviapartner has signed a contractwith Finnair for the provision of cargohandlingservices in Brussels, Amsterdamand Paris-CDG. The contract in Brussels and Amsterdamhas been effective since thebeginning of December. In Paris-CDG,Aviapartner has started handling Finnair'scargo from the beginning ofJanuary. For the three stations, AviapartnerCargo is handling 68 flights per weekfor a total yearly volume of 7,500tonnes. This involves 14 flights in Amsterdam,19 in Brussels and 35 in Paris.Most … [Read more...] about Finnair switches to Aviapartner