As an intrinsic part of the Air FreightAsia event, this year¡¯s conference willagain attract a wide range of speakersfrom various segments of the aircargo industry, who in three differentsessions, will present their ideas andvisions about the future of air cargo. The keynote address of the conferencewill be presented by the newly appointedchief executive officer ofthe Hong Kong Airport Authority,Stanley Hui. The conference, which will takeplace in a specially constructed venuein one of … [Read more...] about Two-day conference to discuss future of air cargo industry
Air & Cargo Services
Middle East operators sign up for Air Freight Asia 2007
The Air Freight Asia 2007 exhibition,which will be co-located with theAsian Aerospace 2007 Expo & Congressat the AsiaWorld-Expo facilities at HongKong International Airport, is headingfor a sell-out with leading global airfreight players confirming space at the13th edition of the event.Air Freight Asia 2007 organiser, Nolvan Fenema said applications for spacewere coming in at unprecedentednumbers even though the Early Birddiscounts were no longer applicable. "What we are seeing here … [Read more...] about Middle East operators sign up for Air Freight Asia 2007
Austrian airport hopeful of Middle East link
Linz Blue Danube Airport in the centre-north of Austria is close to securing aMiddle Eastern freighter operator, its airlinemarketing and cargo developmentmanager, Dieter Pammer, said. "We have a carrier interested inscheduled charter services with a stopin Austria and they are only awaitingtraffic rights," he says, though he admitsthat there is also a question mark as towhether there would be enough trafficat Linz to justify the stop. Linz claims to be ideally placed toserve the … [Read more...] about Austrian airport hopeful of Middle East link
Kuzu seeks new A300B4 customer
Kuzu Airlines of Turkey is looking fora new customer for A300B4 it currentlyhas on wet-lease to China Eastern oncethat contract expires in November. TheChinese carrier is getting its own A300-600 conversions. Kuzu's other customeris Air Macau, for which it flies four B4son a yearly renewable contract, and theTurkish carrier has a further B4 coveringmaintenance. Michael Asher, vice president commercialfor the airline, says the B4scontinue to be a commercially viableaircraft, flying 300 plus … [Read more...] about Kuzu seeks new A300B4 customer
Kuwait appeals for Asian carriers
Kuwait freight forwarders are hopefulthat government open skies initiativesintroduced in December will attract morecarriers from the Far East and Africa toKuwait International Airport, accordingto Iqbal Qureshi, CEO of Bahman AviationShipping and Logistics. "Currently most of the 43 carrierswho serve Kuwait are Middle Eastern orEuropean, with only Singapore Airlinescoming in from the Far East," he says. "We are hoping for Asian carriers to balance out European … [Read more...] about Kuwait appeals for Asian carriers
Champ sees growth in Asia, Africa
Central Asia, East Asia and Africa arethe key growth areas that Champ Cargosystemshas in its sights, according toits director of sales, Nick Barlow. The company, formed as a jointventure by Cargolux and SITA Inc inDecember 2004, provides IT systemsfor some 60 carriers, and is particularlystrong among Middle Eastern airlinessuch as Gulf Air, Kuwait Airways andMEA. Barlow says Champ is in discussionwith a couple more carriers in the region,but expects the markets mentioned tohave the best … [Read more...] about Champ sees growth in Asia, Africa