IATA will have e-freight runningby the end of the year, potentiallysaving US$1.2 billion a year, directorgeneral Giovanni Bisignani told therecent IATA World Cargo Symposiumin Mexico City. "Cargo processes have not changedin three decades. It is time for the industryto crawl out of the technologydark ages," he said. "We will be up and running by theend of this year in five key locations-Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong, theNetherlands and the United Kingdom.This is IATA's … [Read more...] about AMERICA: IATA pledges to introduce e-freight by end of 2007
Air & Cargo Services
AMERICA: Atlas profit down
Atlas Air and Polar Air Cargo parentAtlas Air Worldwide Holdingsreported profit of US$59.8 million for2006 - down 19.1 percent from $73.9million earned in the prior year, onan 8.6 percent decrease in revenue to$1.48 billion. But Atlas reported a 66.2 percentfourth-quarter profit gain to $45.7 millionand projects strong growth goingforward, pointing to 12 747-8 freightersit has on order and a partnership dealwith DHL taking a stake in Polar. President William Flynn said: "Thestrategic … [Read more...] about AMERICA: Atlas profit down
AMERICA: Boeing confirms B747-8F and 787 orders
Boeing has confirmed additionalorders for its B747-8 freighters andB787s. AN-124 freighter operator Volga-Dnepr Group has confirmed an orderfor five B747-8 freighters with purchaserights for another five to be operated byscheduled subsidiary AirBridge Cargoon routes to Southeast Asia, China,Japan and Europe. Boeing said this order was previouslyaccounted for and associated with anunidentified customer on Boeing's Ordersand Deliveries website in 2006. As orders for the competing … [Read more...] about AMERICA: Boeing confirms B747-8F and 787 orders
AFRICA: Upington Airport to become cargo hub
South Africa's Upington Airport isto be developed as a cargo hub, to enablethe movement of cargo into andout of most of South Africa's key tradeareas faster than is currently possibleusing Johannesburg, Durban and CapeTown. Upington Airport in the NorthernCape is small, but it does a brisk businessin cargo - everything from livesheep and goats to cars and miningequipment, as well as grapes. Up until 1996, Boeing 747s used toland at the airport, which SAA usedas a refuelling station for … [Read more...] about AFRICA: Upington Airport to become cargo hub
AFRICA: EC lifts ban on cargo airline
Ugandan-registered DAS Air Cargohas been cleared to resume Europeanoperations having been removed fromthe European Commission's list ofbanned airlines. The ban, which was imposed lastOctober, has been lifted as a result ofDAS taking action to improve safety. The carrier, which specialises in DC-10F operations between Europe andAfrica, could re-start scheduled servicesat the beginning of this month. … [Read more...] about AFRICA: EC lifts ban on cargo airline
AFRICA: Kenyan considers joint freighter
Kenyan Airways is looking at a twiceweekly B747F service from Nairobi toItaly, using a B747-200F freighter ofOcean Airlines, according to its headof cargo, Shawn McGuinness. The route might be supported withregional freighter flights into Nairobi,but no decision on this has yet beentaken. "We are shying away from it a bit," McGuinness admits. "We wouldbe competing against governmentowned airlines, which could be a bit of a problem." The carrier otherwise took deliveryof … [Read more...] about AFRICA: Kenyan considers joint freighter