AAT celebrated the opening of itshighly anticipated Terminal 2 (T2)at Hong Kong International Airport(HKIA) at a ceremony officiated by theSecretary for Economic Developmentand Labour, Stephen Ip and the chiefexecutive officer of Airport AuthorityHong Kong, Stanley Hui. The HK$1.75 billion T2 features afour-storey warehouse area of 130,000sqm., two airside levels and landsideaccess to every warehouse level. T2would increase the current handlingcapacity of AAT to 1.5 million tonnesper annum, … [Read more...] about HONGKONG: AAT Terminal 2 Opening Ceremony
Ground Handling & Cargo Terminals
Aeroflot Cargo appoints Finnish GSSA
Helsinki-based Airline Services GSAOY, the Finnish member of the EGSACGSSA network - has been formallyappointed as Finnish GSSA for newlyformedAeroflot Cargo, after 6 yearsas a sub-sales agent for parent airlineAeroflot Russian Airlines. In addition to Aeroflot's scheduleddaily A319 belly-hold capacity fromHelsinki, which it previously marketed,Airline Services now has access to AeroflotCargo's twice-weekly DC10 freighters,which fly via Moscow Sheremetyevoto Beijing and provide easy access … [Read more...] about Aeroflot Cargo appoints Finnish GSSA
Swiss hopes for more Jade destinations
Will Leipzig be the next Europeandestination for Jade Cargo International,as it takes delivery of its thirdfreighter? If so, it will be good news for SwissWorldCargo, the cargo arm of SwissInternational Air Lines, which acts as itsGSA in Germany, Switzerland, Franceand Italy. In mid February, Bernd Maresch,Swiss WorldCargo's general managermarketing and communications, wouldnot be drawn on details, but confirmedthat Swiss was "talking behind thescenes" with Jade about its route … [Read more...] about Swiss hopes for more Jade destinations
Swissport Cargo Services gets quality certification
Swissport said it has been certified asa fully compliant Cargo 2000 company,and that its internal management processesand quality-driven improvementprogrammes have been accepted by theCargo 2000 Board. Cargo 2000 brings together majorairlines, freight forwarders and theirsuppliers with the goal of implementingstandardised quality managementsystems. Based on detailed customer researchand with the assistance of leading ITcompanies, the Cargo 2000 group hasre-engineered the transportation … [Read more...] about Swissport Cargo Services gets quality certification
Lower rates will drive GSA growth in Asia, says ECS
Asia remains a difficult market for aglobal GSA like European Cargo Services(ECS), but that should change asair freight rates fall, predicts its presidentand CEO, Guy Tordjman. "Competition is increasing in Asia,and rates will not stay so high, so airlineswill have to compensate by reducingcosts," he says. "They will then seethe need to turn to GSAs much more than they have in the past." To be ready for that day, ECS continuesto try and develop its networkin the region, using Singapore as … [Read more...] about Lower rates will drive GSA growth in Asia, says ECS
Gulf Air
Gulf Air, the national airline of the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Sultanate of Oman, has named Swiss citizen Andr¨¦ Dos¨¦ as its new chief executive officer. Dos¨¦, an airline industry veteran with more than 30 years experience in the aviation business, will take office on April 1. Following a pilot training in the US, Dos¨¦ became a pilot for Crossair, then filled a number of management positions including chief executive officer for this regional airline. After the collapse of … [Read more...] about Gulf Air