Continental Airlines has announcedthe appointment of Wyn Li as countrydirector of Hong Kong, Macau, andSouthern China. He will be responsible for all salesand marketing activities and the overallleadership of that region. Li was previously regional marketingmanager, Pacific (South) and generalmanager sales and marketing HongKong for a legacy US carrier. Prior to that, he was at SingaporeAirlines as manager loyal marketing,programme development in the carrier'shead office. … [Read more...] about Continental Airlines
Air & Cargo Services
Etihad Airways
Etihad Airways has appointed IainBurns as its new VP-corporate communications.He will report to the airline'sCEO, James Hogan, at Etihad's AbuDhabi headquarters. Burns previouslyheld the same position for five years atBritish Airways in London. He joined BA in September 2001from the public relations firm BellPottinger, where he handled Europeanand North American PR programmesfor Dubai-based Emirates. … [Read more...] about Etihad Airways
UPS International
UPS has announced the appointmentof David Abney to the post of chiefoperating officer and the promotion ofAlan Gershenhorn to replace Abney aspresident of UPS International. Abney also assumes the role of presidentof UPS Airlines in replacing JohnBeystehner, who retired last monthafter 36 years of service. Gershenhorn is currently based inBrussels, where he previously headedthe operations of UPS Supply ChainSolutions in Europe, Asia, the MiddleEast and Africa. In his role as chief … [Read more...] about UPS International
American Airlines Cargo
Mark Najarian, vice president ofglobal cargo sales and marketing atAmerican Airlines Cargo, has replacedKevin Diamonti as vice president ofcargo operations. Diamonti led thecargo operations team since 2001, andhas been selected to run American'scorporate safety programme.Najarian will be succeeded by JoeReedy, who is currently vice presidentcargo finance and E-commerce. Reedyhas a broad background, includingleadership positions in sales and operationsat AMR-affiliated companiesprior to joining … [Read more...] about American Airlines Cargo
Swissport International
The president & CEO of SwissportInternational, Joseph In Albion hasdecided to leave the company to takeon a new professional challenge.In Albion, who remains a memberof Swissport International's board ofdirectors, will be succeeded by SantiagoOlivares, who is currently director ofthe international division of Ferrovialand a member of the board of directors.Olivares will assume overall interimresponsibility for the Swissport Groupwith immediate effect. Swissport isowned by Ferrovial, a … [Read more...] about Swissport International
DHL said it has appointed HerbertVongpusanachai, the country managerof DHL Express Thailand, as DHL Express'Indochina region manager. Theappointment highlights the company'splan to consolidate its position as themarket leader in the Indochina region,according to Yasmin Aladad Khan,senior vice-president of DHL ExpressSoutheast Asia. Vongpusanachai will bebased in Bangkok. … [Read more...] about DHL