Ugandan-registered DAS Air Cargohas been cleared to resume Europeanoperations having been removed fromthe European Commission's list ofbanned airlines. The ban, which was imposed lastOctober, has been lifted as a result ofDAS taking action to improve safety. The carrier, which specialises in DC-10F operations between Europe andAfrica, could re-start scheduled servicesat the beginning of this month. … [Read more...] about AFRICA: EC lifts ban on cargo airline
Ground Handling & Cargo Terminals
MIDDLE EAST: Empost launches new department
UAE's national courier company,Empost has expanded its wide rangeof value-added services by openingthe Cargo and Logistics RemovalsDepartment that will specialise inmoving households, office relocations,transporting exhibition equipment andhandling of personal effects. "The setting up of the Cargo and LogisticsRemovals department is in keepingwith Empost's strategy to constantly introduce services that are in line with ever growing customer requirements," Empost said in a … [Read more...] about MIDDLE EAST: Empost launches new department
MIDDLE EAST: Qatar Airways gets Australian air rights
Qatar Airways has been awardedrights to operate a daily flight toAustralia's second largest city of Melbourne,Transport Minister Mark Vailesaid. Under the new air services arrangementwith Qatar, Qatar Airways will alsohave the right to operate a second dailyflight to another Australian city from2008 as Australia increases access rightsfor Middle East airlines. Australian airlines will also be giventhe same increased access to Qatar, animportant Middle East aviation hub,"Vaile said. "The … [Read more...] about MIDDLE EAST: Qatar Airways gets Australian air rights
INDONESIA: Garuda to close some international routes
Flag carrier Garuda Indonesia willclose some of its loss-making routessuch as to Europe and will focus onregional services. Garuda CEO, Emirsyah Satar saidthe management will add flights onprofitable routes such as Jakarta-Australia,Jakarta-China, and Jakarta-India."We target a 15 percent growth in international services this year," Satar said. Last year, only nine of Garuda's 24international routes were profitableand of its 27 domestic routes, only 21routes were … [Read more...] about INDONESIA: Garuda to close some international routes
INDONESIA: Otorita Batam signs deal with Illinois County
In a bid to make Hang Nadimairport on Batam Island a leading aircargo hub, the development authorityof the island, Otorita Batam, has inkeda deal with St Claire County of Illinois,Evergreen Airlines, and Cardig International.Batam Island is located at thewestern tip of Indonesia. The agreement was signed byOtorita Batam's deputy for administrationand planning, M. Prijanto; StClaire County board chairman MarckA. Kern; vice president Asia operationsof Evergreen Airlines Ranjit Seth; andmanaging … [Read more...] about INDONESIA: Otorita Batam signs deal with Illinois County
HONGKONG: AAT Terminal 2 Opening Ceremony
AAT celebrated the opening of itshighly anticipated Terminal 2 (T2)at Hong Kong International Airport(HKIA) at a ceremony officiated by theSecretary for Economic Developmentand Labour, Stephen Ip and the chiefexecutive officer of Airport AuthorityHong Kong, Stanley Hui. The HK$1.75 billion T2 features afour-storey warehouse area of 130,000sqm., two airside levels and landsideaccess to every warehouse level. T2would increase the current handlingcapacity of AAT to 1.5 million tonnesper annum, … [Read more...] about HONGKONG: AAT Terminal 2 Opening Ceremony