TNT has started direct freightflight services between Shanghai andits European hub at Liege, Belgium."The move is mainly ascribed to theincreasing market demand (for freight)between China and Europe," the newlynamed CEO in the Greater ChinaRegion, Michael Drake was quoted assaying by SinoCast China TransportationWatch. The route will link more than 500Chinese cities in the company's Chinadelivery network and over 400 Europeancities that its European operationscover. TNT is … [Read more...] about CHINA: TNT launches freight flights to China
CHINA: Great Wall resumes freighter services
Great Wall Airlines said it has resumedall-cargo air service betweenShanghai and Amsterdam six-timesa week, followed by a resumption ofservices to Mumbai and Chennai inIndia. Operations were suspended inAugust when the US Treasury Department'sOffice of Foreign AssetsControl (OFAC) imposed sanctions onthe parent company, China Great WallIndustry Corporation, for unacceptabletrading practices, which were unrelatedto those of the airline. Great Wall Airlines is now a Sino-Singapore joint … [Read more...] about CHINA: Great Wall resumes freighter services
CHINA: ASEAN, China sign trade, services deal
ASEAN leaders last month signed adeal on trade and services with China,bringing them a step closer to establishingthe world's biggest free trade area, Xinhua Agency reported. The agreement, which covers telecommunications,transport, tourismand other services, will take effect fromJuly, according to the agreement releasedin Cebu (central Philippines). The spokesperson said under the agreement, China and ASEAN countries would further open the services sector in order to provide improved … [Read more...] about CHINA: ASEAN, China sign trade, services deal
China seeks Q-Post's assistance
China seeks Q-Post's assistance The Chinese postal authorities havesought the co-operation of the Q-Postin developing a customer-friendly planwith which they felt could win visitorsduring the Olympic Games 2008 to beheld in Beijing, and the Asian Games(in 2010), Gulf Times reported. Speaking to the newspaper, chairmanand chief executive of the QPostAli Mohamed al-Ali said that theassociation with the Chinese sportsauthorities would help the postalcorporation receive more customersin … [Read more...] about China seeks Q-Post's assistance
France's La Poste reports profit for 2006
French national postal operator LaPoste said it will record a 700 millioneuros net profit in 2006, up by about25 percent on the figure of 557 millioneuros for 2005. La Poste noted that its balancesheet would be hit by an exceptionalreform-linked contribution of 2 billioneuros to the national pension financingsystem at the end of this year. Internalinvestment this year on new hubs inLorraine and Val de Loire and themodernisation of the postal network(1,100 offices) reached 1.2 billion euros,up … [Read more...] about France's La Poste reports profit for 2006